Zhumei Lin,,
Jing Yu,,
Yingying Jiang,,
Wang, X. T. (XiaoTian),,
Liqi Zhu,
Longitudinal development of children's sharing behaviour Only children versus children with siblings from rural China.
Child Care, Health and Development.
Wang, X. T. (XiaoTian),,
Peng Wang,,
Junsong Lu,,
Jianjun Zhou,,
Grunting Li,,
Steven Garelik
Episodic future thinking and anticipatory emotions Effects on delay discounting and preventive behaviors during COVID-19.
Applied Psychology Health and Well-Being.
GAO Juan,,
WANG Peng,,
Wang, X. T. (XiaoTian),,
SUN Qian,,
LIU Yongfang,
Effects of others’ reference points and psychological distance on self-other welfare tradeoff in gain and loss situations..
Acta Psychologica Sinica.
WANG Peng,,
Wang, X. T. (XiaoTian),,
GAO Juan,,
LI Xialan,,
XU Jing,
Adaptive time management The effects of death awareness on time perception and intertemporal choice.
Acta Psychologica Sinica.